Oral presentations
Each author can hold a 15 minutes long lecture (precisely 15 min.: 10 min. presentation + 5 min. discussion). If one author cannot finish the presentation in time there will be no possibility to discuss the research scope.
Technical instructions:
Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2019 format) or .pdf file. Please avoid using videos embedded in your show. If you have a video, please contact the technician in the lecture hall at latest in the break before your presentation (but preferably earlier) to test it in advance.
Please note that using your own notebook is NOT ALLOWED.
The presenter author has to upload his/her presentation to the presenting laptop at the conference room, where technician person will help. We do not collect them by e-mail.
Each poster can be mounted during the whole Workshop, however there will be two poster sessions held during the Workshop, we kindly ask our authors to be present in these session at their posters:
Technical instructions:

Posters should be prepared for standard STANDING (PORTRAIT) A/0 size (84 x 119 cm – 1 sqm). PLEASE DO NOT PRINT A LANDSCAPE POSTER!
The organisers provide pins to mount your poster to the board at the conference venue and they will be for your service if you need help. Posters will be identified by posters numbers, which are printed in the final program.
The poster title, author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on the top.
- Posters should be readable to viewers from 1m away. For legibility, a minimum font size of 28 points.
- The content should be understandable without oral explanation. Using formulas, graphs and pictures will facilitate the understanding for attendees.
- Posters should be made of paper, fabric or cardboard. Heavy board materials may be difficult to get positioned on the poster board.