A limited number of young investigators’ grants will be made available to the first author of an accepted abstract. He/she must also be the presenting author.
The selected applicants will receive a full registration fee waiver.
(No travel or accommodation support is available.)
To qualify for a grant, the applicant must be either a
- Graduate student
- Medical resident
Applicants must first submit their abstract online and check the box during submission stating they wish to apply.
In addition, the following documentation must be sent by e-mail as well:
- a letter from the applicant’s supervisor written on institution letterhead confirming the applicant’s status and supporting the applicant’s grant request.
- a copy of the abstract
Applicants must send the scanned, completed application documents by e-mail to:
Ms. Gabriella Bánfalvi
Diamond Congress Ltd.
Applications arriving after 15th March 2025 will not be considered.